FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is Kent Career Tech Center's attendance policy?
Students attending the Kent Career Tech Center are subject to the attendance policies of their own high schools while attending KCTC. The final determination regarding the limit on the maximum number of absences permitted to receive credit or a letter grade is determined by each high school’s policy. However, should attendance become an issue in student success, a formal attendance plan will be initiated in an attempt to create successful learning. Failure to meet the terms of the attendance plan may result in being dropped from the Tech Center and/or non-return for the following year. Moreover, students exceeding KCTC’s attendance policies may receive a recommendation to their Local Educational Agency to receive a letter grade of W for their course, with ultimately the final determination and decision being the responsibility of their district, in accordance with their policies.
What should I do if my child is going to be absent from Kent Career Tech Center?
The parent/guardian(s) has the sole responsibility of contacting the attendance office by phone, email or note within 48 hours of the absence. This communication should include the:
• Students name (proper spelling)
• Class/ session (1st, 2nd, or 3rd)
• Parents name calling in
• Reason for the absence
• Date of the absence
• If the absence is for more than one-day
The attendance office can be reached between 6:30am and 3:00pm by calling (616) 364-8421 or by email kctcattendance@kentisd.org.
What should I do if my child needs an early dismissal from Kent Career Tech Center?
Principals may release students before the end of a session only upon presentation of a written or face-to-face request from the child’s parent/guardian(s) or for emergency reasons. The request should be submitted to the principal as early as possible.
What is Kent Career Tech Center's Tardy policy?
As part of KCTC’s goal to ensure that all students are career ready through teaching our Going PRO work-related behavioral expectations, punctuality is emphasized and expected in each program. Students are expected to be in the classroom on time. Tardiness disrupts the entire class and can create skills gaps for students that miss classroom instruction and lab experiences. A student will be marked tardy if he/she enters the classroom after the bell. Tardiness will result in a reduction of points for career and employability, may prevent job placement and student leadership opportunities, and may count towards absences. Excessive tardiness may result in the development of a Going PRO Success Plan and the loss of other privileges (see below). A tardy over (15) minutes will be considered an absence that requires parent/guardian excusal. When a student arrives late to campus, a time and date stamped tardy slip will be issued by the School Security desk or the front office when the student checks in.
What is Kent Career Tech Center's driving policy?
Transportation is the responsibility of each student’s high school. The Tech Center strongly encourages students to utilize bus service offered by their high school. Students must ride the bus, have parents drop off and pick up, or obtain a Kent Career Tech Center Driving Permit. Students who must drive to Kent Career Tech Center must have a Kent Career Tech Center driving tag.
How does my child obtain a parking permit?
If the high school determines that a student may drive to the Tech Center, the student must obtain a Kent Career Tech Center parking Permit. The high school principal or designee and the student’s parent/guardian must sign the application. A parking permit tag will be issued once the application is approved. All vehicles must display the official vehicle tag on the rear view mirror, facing toward the front windshield. The vehicle tag belongs to the student to whom it was originally distributed. Parking Permit Vehicle Tags are NOT transferable from student to student.
How do I update my child’s demographic and emergency contact information?
Log in to your PowerSchool account, a link for this is found to the right along the banner of the website, and then select Demographics from the menu along the left. If you do not have a PowerSchool account you may contact us at 616.365.2240 and we will provide you with a temporary Access ID and PIN to create an account.
What if my child is struggling or not enjoying their class(es)?
Student Support Services provides students with a wide range of services aimed at ensuring that each student receives the full benefit of attending Kent Career Tech Center. Primary focus of these services is to ensure that students have the academic and technical support necessary for success in the classroom and laboratory, that they receive assistance in making good career choices, and that they continue their education and/or obtain related employment. If your child is struggling they should talk to their Kent Career Tech Center counselor, and together they will develop a plan for success.
How does my student enroll for next year?
Students who would like to enroll should discuss the opportunity with their home school counselor by the beginning of February. Enrollment requests can be entered by the local districts in mid-February. If your child is a current Kent Career Tech Center student, they will go through the early enrollment process in January. We encourage students to work with their local counselor and Homeschooled families to contact the Registrar at Kent Career Tech Center 616.477.2422, to begin the enrollment process.
What if my child transfers to another high school?
Students are eligible to attend Kent Career Tech Center if they meet the following criteria:
have completed the tenth grade (except for programs designed for 10th graders or beyond), AND
will be 16 years old on or before December 1st of the year in which they attend, AND
are attending a public, parochial or private school of the Kent Intermediate School District, or identified affiliate.
are a homeschooled student, living in Kent County, and meet the minimum age requirement identified above.
meet the requirements of a postgraduate student continuing in the second year of a two-year program (please see the administration for details.)
If your child transfers high schools and still meets the criteria above you should notify Kent Career Tech Center (616.447.2422) and work with a counselor at the new school to secure a class schedule that will allow your child to continue their Tech Center course.
Can you help my student find a job?
We have a Work-Based Learning center that can assist your child with job placement. This center is located in the Tech Center and can be reached by calling 616.364.8421.
How can I contribute or volunteer to help at Kent Career Tech Center?
Many times our programs need the assistance of parents for things such as field trips, classroom projects or real world experience. If you are interested in volunteering please notify your child’s instructor. For your convenience there is a link along the right of the Parent page, “Contact Us”.
What is a satellite program and does Kent Career Tech Center provide transportation to those locations?
A satellite program is a program that is not located on our main campus on East Beltline. The following programs are off campus: Avionics at the airport; Aviation Maintenance Technology at the airport, Biomedical Technology and Health Professionals at GVSU's Cook-DeVos Center downtown, Precision Machining at GRCC's Applied Tech Center. Kent Career Tech Center provides a shuttle from the main campus to the airport or downtown campuses.