Program Overview

Digital Animation and Game Programming

The Digital Animation and Game Programming industries are booming and there are a variety of career options locally, nationally, and globally.

Students who would like to explore careers in this field have come to the right place! Digital Animation and Game Programming is a 1-year program that offers first-year students an introduction to intermediate skill building and exposure to a variety of real-world style of projects with an option to return for a second advanced study. 

During the first-year students will spend one semester in the Digital Animation class to learn about the fundamentals of 2d design, 3d modeling, and animation for film and game design. Students will spend the other semester in the Game Programming class where they will be introduced to programming fundamentals for game development.

Students who complete the first of Digital Animation and Game Programming will have the option to apply for an additional advanced year where they will choose to focus on advanced digital animation or advanced programming. This second-year option is a full year in the area selected. Applications, portfolio reviews, and a skills test will be required to be considered for the advanced year. 


To view or download the 1st year introductory program syllabus 

To view or download the 2nd year advanced 3D program syllabus