Applications and Forms

Criminal Justice Student Application Process

Please read the instructions below for helpful tips for a successfully submitted application. If you need translation assistance in the application process, contact Kimberly Carlson.

Make sure you talk to your school counselor about applying for the Criminal Justice program. They will need to submit an enrollment request for you.

Before starting the application, you'll want to prepare the following information:

  • Four reference email addresses.
  • Two required essays.

When preparing references, be sure to contact and notify the person you are using as a reference. They will be asked by email to advocate on your behalf. 

If you are a student at an area school, you will need to submit four references from this list:

  • High School Principal
  • High School Teacher
  • School Resource Officer, Head of School Security or Discipline
  • School Counselor

If you are a homeschooled student, you will need to submit a reference from your parent or guardian and four of the following persons:

  • Police Officer
  • Pastor
  • Elected Official
  • Neighbor
  • Scouts Leader
  • Youth Group Leader
  • Coach
  • Music Lessons Teacher

Please be sure you have accurate email addresses. Inaccurate emails may lead to your application being discarded.

After you submit your application, references will receive an email from “Eversign” and Kim Carlson with a reference form. Inform your references that they may need to check their junk or spam folders if they don’t see it in their inbox.

Essay #1: List and describe how you have used Going PRO behaviors in your everyday life. (Going PRO behaviors are Professionalism, Respect and Ownership.) Explain the settings and situations where you have been Professional, Respectful and/or shown Ownership in your learning and your activities.

Essay #2: Who has been the biggest influence in your life and why?

You can see more on how we'll grade your essay answers here. We recommend you write your essay in a word processing program like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. This will allow for assistance with grammar and spelling and you can save it periodically on your device.

The application is long and may take a while. You can save your progress and come back later to work on it by clicking “Save Progress" in the upper right-hand corner of the application. 

Once you agree and sign the “Program Code of Conduct Agreement” you MUST submit it. There is no saving it and going back.

Once you have submitted your student application, you will be asked to provide the email address of your Parent/Guardian.

If you have technology issues that prevent a parent/guardian from signing electronically, please digitally complete the student section of the application. Don’t forget you may use a school computer to complete the process. Once you have completed and submitted the application, please email for assistance with paper parent/guardian permission forms.